17. bis 21. Juli 2024

about us

Baden-Wuerttemberg Film Office

The Filmbüro Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Wuerttemberg Film Office) was founded in 1982 and has, true to its founding principles, devoted itself to setting up and promoting the film and media location Baden-Wuerttemberg. After the founding of the Film Academy and the MFG Film Funding, for which the members of the Filmbüro had campaigned, the Filmbüro took over the presentation of the films shot and funded here as part of the Filmschau Baden-Wuerttemberg, the official state film festival. Today, the Filmbüro not only provides a forum for established filmmakers, but also for the young generation who show their films in the competition for the Youth Film Award and get in touch with the professionals through the connection with the film show. With the Indian Film Festival Stuttgart, we present films from a completely different culture and stimulate German-Indian relations in the long term. With our festivals and projects, we focus on the artistic-creative work of the filmmakers and offer the talents and their ideas the big stage, in all facets of filmmaking.

Indian Film Festival Stuttgart

The Indian Film Festival Stuttgart is a very special event that attracts many enthusiastic fans to the state capital every summer. The focus is on the diverse film production of the world’s largest film industry. When selecting the programme, we attach particular importance to showcasing India’s diversity of languages, traditions and regional differences. Above all, however, the Indian Film Festival Stuttgart stands for current topics and contemporary references and shows the audience India as it is today with all its cultural changes and social challenges. Entrepreneurs meet film stars, students meet Indian filmmakers and India reveals itself to the audience in all its splendour and tradition: deeply moving, frightening, colourful and at times light and upbeat.

The Indian Film Festival takes place in the heart of the city of Stuttgart, where there has long been a deep connection with India; the city partnership between the city of Stuttgart and the metropolis of Mumbai has existed since 1968 and is lined with events of all kinds.

Filmschau Baden-Wuerttemberg

Once a year, filmmakers and the public meet to see great films at the Filmschau Baden-Wuerttemberg (State Film Festival) – and maybe a little bit to be seen. Industry meetings, discussion rounds, workshops and the daily rendezvous on the red carpet accompany the festival program up to the grand finale, where the Baden-Wuerttemberg Film Awards are presented. Since 2011, the Baden-Wuerttemberg Honorary Film Prize has also been awarded to deserving personalities. The state film festival shows that there is a successful film industry in Baden-Württemberg, which in some areas even works for major Hollywood productions. Premieres and special events, guests of honor, stars and starlets make up the festival and give the location relevance. The Filmschau also offers an important forum for young filmmakers, who can come into contact with the professionals, learn more about filmmaking in master classes, workshops and panels and, last but not least, find orientation for their future career choice in the film industry.

Jugendfilmpreis Baden-Wuerttemberg

Searching and finding of tomorrow’s talent is the goal and task of all activities in the competition for the Jugendfilmpreis (Youth Film Award), which the Filmbüro has been organizing since 2004 parallel to the Filmschau Baden-Wuerttemberg. The focus is on the film competition, in which all young people from Baden-Wuerttemberg up to the age of 22 can participate. During the festival, we connect young people and professionals in many different workshops, master classes and information events on all aspects of film production and career orientation. The crowning glory is the joint award ceremony with the ‘big’ film show awards, at which the young filmmakers can win awards in many categories and additional partner competitions. We also support many young people throughout the year as project promoters in the realization of their films and offer free advice on film and media careers as part of our First Contact program.

Team Film Office

Oliver Mahn

Festival director / Head of programme / Chairman of the board of Baden-Wuerttemberg Film Office 

Daniela Haug

Member of the board of Baden-Wuerttemberg Film Office / Organisational and process consulting / project development and support

Lena Janzen

Marketing and Sponsoring / Finances and Human Resources / Festival Office

Hans-Peter Jahn

Press and public relations / Editor and author

Ina Hoffmann

Managing editor

Raphaela Deininger

Project Management Festival Programme 

Zoe Müller

Editor social media / online marketing


Filmbüro Baden-Württemberg
Friedrichstraße 37
70174 Stuttgart

Fon: +49 711 22 10 67
Fax: +49 711 22 10 69

Email: info (at) filmbuerobw.de